How to create Custom Bot Commands

🆘 How to create and list bot commands 🆘

Thanks to EngageBot.PRO, you can create 100% customised commands, with custom messages and keyboards, custom links, buttons, and redirects.

This is a simple guide on how to create a command for Bot Private Chat.
The same tutorial can be applied to create commands for Group Chat, in the Chat Settings of the group (we'll see that later!)

1️⃣ EngageBot.PRO and reach the Bot Settings page
(Yes, here is the direct URL:

2️⃣ Scroll down to the "Your Commands" section. You should already see the /start command, automatically created by the Welcome Message setting.

3️⃣ Click on a command to edit it, or click the Add Command button to create a new one.

4️⃣ You will be able to set the /command (the actual thing the user will write or click to see this message), the message, and an eventual keyboard.

5️⃣ For the Keyboard Tutorial, take a look here:

✅ Done, now your wonderful engagement bot has custom commands!

❕Your commands are now working, but they are not shown when a user types / in the chat. How to do so?

1️⃣ Open @BotFather and type /setcommands

2️⃣ The bot will send you a message with a keyboard, showing all your bots.
Select the bot you want to edit, and click it

3️⃣ Send the new list of commands for your bot, following the @BotFather tutorial, or click empty to remove all commands from the list (this commands will still exist in the bot)

✅ Done, now your wonderful engagement bot has custom commands also shown in the list!

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