How to use Automatic Configuration to Automatically Configure your EngageBot.PRO Group

🆘 How to Automatically Configure your group 🆘

Automatic Configuration will preset for you the best settings for your group, according to just a couple of questions.

1️⃣ Open EngageBot.PRO, open the sidebar, and select the group you want to Turn On

2️⃣ You will automatically reach EngageBot.PRO/group page, where you can see, as first thing, a 🟢 (Turned On) or 🔴 (Turned Off) icon.

3️⃣ Scroll down a little bit, and you will see an Automatic Configuration big button. Click it!

4️⃣ Answer just a few questions:

1. How many posts / hours you want your users to recupe?

Dx20 - 20 posts, so write 20
Dx24h - 24 hours, so write 24

2. Last Posts or Hours (Dx20 - posts, Dx24h - hours)

3. Likes, Comments, or Likes + Comments?

4. Allow people to engage with a different username (Mirror Username)

5. Warns YES or NO

5️⃣ Click SAVE

✅ Done, your group is now configured and ready to be used entirely!

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